We have been really slacking on date night lately. We either are out of town or with friends slash family...so we decided that we would try to get back into going on dates every Friday night. Well, I planned this one and thought it would be fun since it was kind of like a celebration of Tyson being out of school for a few weeks, that we would do two of his favorite things to do. Eat at Fudruckers and Golf! Tyson loves Fudds... in fact I think he would go there every day if it was possible. Of course it was delish and then we made our way to the Golf course. We went to Callaway because it is (a) cheap and (b) one of the only night golfing places in town.
We were excited to be there because we have actually never really golfed a game together! We have hit balls here and there, but we never been on a course. Weird right? Well, we pay and get on our merry little way and around the third hole I noticed this old lady in her sweet little golf cart watching us. I told Tyson of my concern and he was like whatev...so we kept going. Soon after that, we were on our fourth hole when I noticed her again, but this time she was parked. Watching us. I was a little creeped out. When we got up to our cart, she says "And how are you folks tonight?"... We said good of course...and then she got SO mean!! She went on to tell us that I was not allowed to be golfing because I did not have my own set of clubs. (We were never told this little fact before ..) Tyson explained to her pretty calmly that I was just shootin around and not really playing a game so it shouldn't be an issue and also that we never heard about this rule and we would have brought another set of clubs if we were aware, you know? She got so fiesty with us and told us that I wasn't allowed to play and I had to sit in the cart the rest of the time, so Tyson stood up for me of course (angel) and told her we wanted a refund because we weren't treated that great by her customer service. She said that wasn't possible, so we got in the cart and drove up to her boss's clubhouse, where we explained the situation to him. He offered us a full refund, but we said half would be fine. Tyson said he would have felt dishonest if we got a full refund since we did get to play almost half the course.
I was so proud of Tyson! Like seriously... I think it was the first time I had ever seen him stand up for me to a stranger. He handled the situation like a MAN! Even though we only got to golf 4 holes, we still had a TON of fun and we will remember that date for a loooong time!
I hate mean people. Seriously what is the big deal if you share golf clubs? I bet she was ugly and single. She was just jealous.
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