Do you have that one person in your life that you can always count on? That one person who you call when you get exciting news from a friend. Or the person you call when you get a good grade or do something well at work. That person you text during the day, just so they know you are thinking of them. That person who is always on your mind whether you are in a meeting or trying to fall asleep. That person that can make you smile on the worst day and that person who can drive you absolutely nuts at the same time. That person who you love SO much and you know you couldn't live without them...
Well, I have someone like that in my life. His name is Tyson Hunter Davis and he is 24 years old.
I feel like I am the luckiest girl in the world. I definitely scored big when it comes to having a good husband. I have never met anyone like him. We have been through some of the craziest and hardest trials in the 3.5 years we have been married and Tyson has been so strong through it all. I have never heard him complain or get upset because of our circumstances and trials we have had to face. He has always been that constant rock and support for me.
Tyson is one of those guys that does NOT cry. In fact, I have only seen him cry 3 times our whole married life. I will always remember the first time I saw him cry. It was May 2009 and we had sat in the ER for hours as they ran tests on me and our baby. I was only 9 weeks pregnant at the time, but Tyson was so excited to be a dad. I remember driving home from the hospital after finding out we were miscarrying and Tyson was so put together. I was so upset and did not know how to handle myself and Tyson was there to hold my hand. I remember him walking me up the stairs to our humble apartment and laying by me in the bed. I was in a lot of pain, probably the most pain I have ever felt in my whole life, and Tyson laid next to me. He didn't think he could do anything to take the pain away, but what he doesn't know, is that he did. Just him being there helped so much. I remember seeing his eyes fill up with tears as we went through this trial together. That was the first time he was by my side through the hardest trial of my life, thus far. I don't know what I would have done that day, had he not been there.
That was the first, but definitely not the last time he was by my side. He has been there through all of my sicknesses, through 8 rounds of failed clomid, through all of the fertility testing, through 1 failed IUI procedure, through 2 cancelled IUI procedures, through several surgeries, 2 D&Cs, and a whole cycle of IVF. If anyone has gone through any of those procedures, you know they are not fun. I don't remember a moment through any of those things that Tyson was not by my side. He has been there to listen, watch, pray and participate. He has been full of patience and love every second of the way.
When I wrote Tyson on his mission to tell him the doctor had told me that I was going to struggle having children in the future, Tyson asked his companion for advise. Tyson asked his companion what he thought he should say to comfort me during a difficult time in my life. His companion replied, "I would not write her anymore. I would never marry someone who could not have children."
I am so grateful Tyson didn't listen to his companion. I am grateful that he loved me enough to help me through my trial and he did not just leave me because of a bump in the road. I love that I have a husband that takes care of me 24 hours a day, cooks every meal, cleans constantly, does loads of laundry and still has time to work and go to school. I hope I can be more like him. I hope I can always remember that even though there are bumps in the road, that it doesn't mean to give up. It means we work a little harder and do a little better to get through our challenges. Tyson is such a good example for everyone - I hope I don't come across as bragging about my amazing husband, more so, to inform you of the person he is and so we can all strive to be be better wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, and friends.
"Try a little HARDER, to be a little BETTER..." - President Hinckley
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